✚2305✚ German post WW2 Bundeswehr beret cap badge WMD Defence Mass Destruction




The NBC defense force has been a branch of the armed forces of the Bundeswehr since April 2013 . As part of the realignment of the Bundeswehr , all NBC units of the Army were transferred to the base of the armed forces and placed under the newly established NBC Defense Command of the Bundeswehr . This is one of a total of four skill commands in the armed forces base. The main task is to reduce the impact of NBC weapons on your own troops and infrastructure. The NBC defense force supports all other branches of the armed forces in the precautionary defense measures against the effects of nuclear , biological and chemical warfare agents and comparable natural and industrial hazardous substances . The ABC troops are assigned the following tasks: ABC education and evaluation The NBC defense force clarifies the use of NBC weapons. It analyzes the effects of NBC weapons as well as the industrial and natural NBC hazard potential. The NBC defense force creates forecasts and assessments of the effects of NBC weapons. Electronic detection, measurement and detection methods determine the type and scope of the hazard. Detected warfare agents and hazardous substances are analyzed more precisely using laboratory technology. ABC advice and warning - the NBC defense force advises the military and, in some cases, the civilian leadership on all issues relating to NBC defense and other protective tasks. The ABC advice makes an important contribution to the planning and management of operations. The leadership is advised in particular when making decisions about necessary measures to protect the troops and to eliminate the threat. To protect the civilian population from NBC weapons, the NBC defense force works closely with civilian civil protection . The NBC reporting and warning organization provides information about NBC influences and takes protective and countermeasures in the event of NBC hazards. Decontamination and water treatment - the NBC defense troops decontaminated (decontaminating, sterilizing, radiation eradication, detoxifying) personnel and material. The NBC defense force prepares polluted, contaminated and salty water to make drinking water quality. Disinfection and health care - the NBC defense force supports infection and epidemic prevention through disinfection. The NBC defense force carries out hygiene measures and thus supports the health care of the troops, especially in destroyed infrastructure and in field camps. Protection tasks and training - the NBC defense force has special skills in self-protection, fire protection , environmental protection and radiation protection. The training of the NBC defense force, but also of leaders and trainers of other troops in NBC defense and self-protection in a secondary function is carried out in courses at the NBC and self-protection school in Sonthofen. Under conventional combat conditions, the NBC defense force is used in the rear area for security and pioneering tasks. When the Bundeswehr was founded in 1956, the first NBC defense units and the troop school were set up, in the set-up phase still under the troop designation "NBC defense and chemical troops". The structure was significantly influenced by the Chemical Corps of the US Army. For the setup, American equipment and organizational models were initially used. Only in the investigation and decontamination (disinfection) of chemical warfare agents was it possible to fall back on the experience of the armed forces' fog and throwing force. During the Cold War, large-scale fogging was far more important than it is today. In particular, the later NBC defense associations of the WHNS were primarily intended to camouflage the American nuclear weapons in the territory of the Federal Republic by means of large-scale fogging. The American M2 fog generator was first introduced for nebulization. The NBC defense force no longer has fog generators. This order was taken over by the artillery troops and the mortar troops with smoke grenades and smoke agents by the troops themselves. From 1960, NBC defense units became an integral part of all major units of the field army. Each corps received an NBC defense battalion, the divisions each received an NBC defense company and each brigade an NBC defense platoon. Increasingly, Germany was developing its own, often technologically leading device in NATO. The off-road 7 t truck with its decontamination equipment has been in use since the 1980s  . In the mid-1980s, the Fuchs armored vehicle was introduced into the troops. With the foreign missions of the Bundeswehr, the defense against industrial hazardous substances and the treatment and transport of water became particularly important. In addition, the foreign missions mainly relied on fire-fighting skills, field camp hygiene and disinfection of materials before they were returned home. In 2002 the NBC defense force reported around 2,900 posts. On April 23, 2013, the NBC defense force was subordinated to the NBC defense command, which was put into service on the same day, and thus switched to the armed forces base.