✚8408✚ German WW1 mounted medal group War Aid Cross Service Medal Red Cross

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Original German / Prussian WW1 mounted medal group: Prussian Red Cross Medal III. Class, Merit Cross for War Aid, Prussian Long Service Cross 9 Years' Service & Franco-Prussian War Commemorative Medal for Non Combatants 1870/71 (magnetic example), VERY NICE CONDITION, GENUINE RIBBONS, PERFECT PIN DEVICE, the recipient was most likely a military doctor - nice rare combination of non combatant awards


Medal of Honour of the Prussian Red Cross, III class (Medaille für Verdienste um das Preußische Rote Kreuz, III Klasse) - Circular gilt bronze or zinc medal with loop for ribbon attachment; the face with a Greek (Geneva) cross with vertical hatching denoting the heraldic colour gules (red), a Prussian crown at the end of each arm, the letters ‘WRAV’ (for Wilhelm II, Emperor of Germany, King of Prussia); the reverse inscribed ‘FUER VERDIENSTE UM DAS ROTHE KREUZ’ (For service to the Red Cross), an oak branch to the. Prussia was officially represented at the conference held in Geneva from 26 to 29 October 1863 and its Red Cross Society was formed shortly after, making it one of the earliest societies. In 1864, Prussia was one of the original twelve signatories of the Geneva Convention. The medal was created in 1897 for service to the Prussian Red Cross Society and issued until 1917.

Merit Cross for War Aid (Das Verdienstkreuz für Kriegshilfe). War metal cross with on the obverse medallion the intertwined letters WR (Wilhelm Rex, Wilhelm King of Prussia). The reverse medallion bears the text: "FÜR / KRIEGS- / HILFSDIENST". The cross was awarded to men and women, irrespective of rank or status, for special merit connected with patriotic war aid. It was instituted by King Wilhelm II of Prussia on 15 December 1916. The first recipient (after the King himself) was Field Marshall von Hindenburg. 

Prussian 9-Year Military Long Service Medal (9 Jahre Dienstauszeichnung) was instituted in 1913 to replace the Militär Dienstauszeichnung Schnalle 3. Klasse. It was awarded to military active duty NCO's and enlisted personnel for 9 years active service and required the recommendation of their Commanding Officer. Awards of this medal continued until the 3rd Reich introduced a series of new medals.  These medals are often found on WWI German medal groups and identifies the wearer as a Prussian. Originally, only one long service award could be worn, so this medal could not be worn with any other (as well as any of the Landwehr long service awards).  It's important to remember that the Prussian Landwehr had a similar award which is very often confused with this one. During the 3rd Reich era, the rules were changed which allowed for the wearing of 2 long service awards. The 9-Year Long Service Medal was made of a metal similar to a silver cupro-nickle with a ring loop soldered on for the suspension ring (which is often of a dissimilar metal) through which a blue silk woven ribbon (UV-negative) is worn. The diameter varied over the years from about 32 mm to 35 mm and was relatively thick at slightly over 2 mm. The obverse had the Prussian crown centered with Treue Dienst  (Faithful Service) arching the upper portion and bei der Fahne (with the colors) arcing in the lower portion. The reverse carried only a IX, which represented 9 years.  No attachments were authorized but you sometimes encounter one with a 3rd Reich eagle device - which is absolutely incorrect. The presence or absence of a miniature 3rd Reich eagle device on a ribbon bar helps in identifying which medal is represented since the ribbons were often exactly the same.

Commemorative Medal for the Franco-Prussian War 1870-1871 for combatants (Kriegsdenkmünze 1870-1871 für Kämpfer) - Circular gilt bronze medal with ribbed loop for ribbon suspension; the face with an Iron Cross (cross pattée) with rays between the arms, inscribed ‘1870 1871’ within a wreath of laurel; the reverse with the crowned monogram of King Wilhelm above the inscription ‘Dem siegreichen Heere’ (the victorious army), circumscribed ‘Gott war mit uns Ihm sei die Ehre’ (God was with us To Him the Glory); the edge inscribed ‘AUS EROBERTEM GESCHUETZ’ (from captured cannon). The medal was instituted on 20 May 1871 for those active in the war with France, to be awarded in bronze for combatants, as here, and in steel for non-combatants. To mark the 25th anniversary of the Prussian victory, on 18 August 1895 twenty-three bars corresponding to the main actions of the war were authorised for wear with the medal by veterans of those actions. On 2 September 1895 bars for Weissenburg and Metz were added. The conflict between France and Prussia that signalled the rise of German military power and imperialism was provoked by the Prussian (later German) Chancellor Otto von Bismarck as part of his plan to create a unified German Empire. The French armies were overcome at Sedan by the efficient Prussian forces, battle-hardened from their conflicts with Denmark and Austria. In Paris, a bloodless revolution led to the overthrow of Napoleon III. The city was besieged by the Prussians from 19 September and held out, suffering severe privation, until 28 January. France was forced to cede Alsace and Lorraine to the Germany which had been proclaimed an empire under Wilhelm I on 18 January 1871 in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles, sowing the seeds of future 20th Century conflicts.